2016年6月26日 星期日

黑芝麻吐司蛋糕 Black Sesame Cake Toast



2016年6月15日 星期三

優格巧克力豆馬芬 Yoghurt ChocoChips Muffin


2016年6月9日 星期四

奧利奧草莓乳酪慕斯蛋糕 Oreo Strawberry Cream Cheese Mousse Cake

因為時間緊迫,左思右想,最後盯上了材料容易購買,步驟簡單,味道卻不輸於當地的甜點,奧利奧+乳酪+草莓 = 慕斯,以檸檬綜合了它的味道給予解膩的功效,風華而樸實,艷麗的外表下隱藏的是秀麗。

2016年6月8日 星期三

Marble Butter Cake

It is a free night, without having to prepare dinner for husband. My parents and sister in law have reached London, husband is being with them just to show them around for the first day.

Though free, but never forget to prepare breakfast for tomorrow and the next few days. Without thinking much, the simpler and easier to have would be a butter cake, again, is Marble Butter Cake.

Surfing the net through the peaceful night. Inadvertently found that someone shared the Miss USA 2016 pageant with entertainment from Backstreet Boys! What's a so long time I didn't have their songs in my life,

2016年6月7日 星期二

Egg Tarts

For a year plus I didn't go for this recipe. This revisit induced from my mom wanna eat and learn to bake egg tarts from me.

To ensure that I can make it, I gonna bake it again before I back home...such a non-confident baker, even I have lots of passion.

I'll back home soon, a short trip ( from the point of view of long hours flight) just to be with mom and sister. I decided one month ago have known that my mom healthy condition, the feeling has hinted me that I should back and I wish to back, rather than to spend my holidays in Europe.  

2016年6月5日 星期日

Multigrain Banana Toast 香蕉粗糧吐司

03062016, Friday Evening
It was the last day for Sha before she's going to start her maternity leave. She has made a small farewell to our office, I could see how well of her relationship been with all colleagues from 3rd floor. She gained a respect through who she was as a colleague, supervisor, and friend. She is a nice and capable in person, even inspiring to others.

In between people, not really all of us will get close to each other. There are some people that you see them every day, but not even you will have a word with them, neither you don't like them, nor you don't want to be friend with them, there's always a scenario between human that you don't know what to say, this doesn't mean that we are enemy, we only live in own platform

2016年6月1日 星期三

柑橘奶油磅蛋糕 Tangerine Butter Cake


不記得,何時開始, 我已經不愛吃柑橘了,印像中似是上了大學以後。
