2017年1月29日 星期日

Almond Cookies 白杏仁餅

Day 1&2 of the CNY, while my "chicks" cookies have gone out for visiting, it is time to pamper ourselves with this almond cookies, to fully embrace the atmosphere of CNY.

Recipe refer to here, modify the low protein flour to 210g plus almond ground 40g.

2017年1月26日 星期四

German 'Chicks' Cookies 小雞德國酥餅

My New born "chicks" are ready to pay Chinese New Year visit. 

Recipe here.

2017年1月22日 星期日

巧克力莓果蛋糕卷~感謝之禮 Chocolate Berry Roll

在僅有的時間內,我唯一想到的是蛋糕卷,雖不知道合不合友人之友人的胃口,可是,卻把我的心意卷在裡頭了,希望你們喜歡- 巧克力莓果蛋糕卷

2017年1月15日 星期日

輕乳酪生日蛋糕 Birthday Light Cheese


2017年1月8日 星期日

Potato Cheese Buns

Simply an idea from the heart to bake these potato cheese buns, simply a reason just want to finish my mozzarella cheese and potatoes before they turn spoilt
Because of simply, I didn't really measure the ingredients used, simply follow the heart of how I want it to be.
There was no expectation from the beginning, appreciate that it turned up with a satisfied baking, I'm doubted why and how could it happened......however, this is a delight breakfast.

Sometimes, following the heart just do it, that is the meaning of the moment of life. Pace the mind with heart, the rhythm of life need not be followed the regular set of pattern always. Derail it occasionally, may have a new discovery.


2017年1月1日 星期日

Happy New Year 2017 # Strawberry Angel Cake#Wood Bran Cup 2017#草莓天使蛋糕#木糠杯

Hello world, welcome to year 2017.

When i was having lunch with friend on 30dec2016, i said that was the last office's lunch of year 2016, she mentioned that would be the end of the world. ending the world in 2016 and have the brand new start 2017, a new world. Such a meaningful say. 

I had a lot of ups and downs in 2016, it is a time to let it go, forget those that had been upsetting, forget the dreams that hadn't come true, appreciate all that had embraced in 2016. Keep in belief, 2017 is a cheerful and wonderful diary, i shall progress my life in new chapter.

May the year 2017 bring for the world a peaceful.
May the year 2017 bring for all of us happiness, healthiest and successes.
May the year 2017 bring for me my wishes.
May the angel 2017 be with us all the time, keep blessing us throughout the year.

薄皮鄉村批薩 Home Made Pizza

融入了西方國家2年,還真第一次對批薩的渴望,突然間好想吃,雖然在各大大小小的超市都能買到,回來“丁”熱幾分鐘就可以享受了,然而我還是想要自己home made,材料自選皮自搓,那股成就感才能和味蕾的滿足感匹配。