2017年9月26日 星期二

Matcha RedBean Roll & Matcha Pudding Roll

@Matcha RedBean Roll & Matcha Pudding Roll for Charity@

It has been two years continuously I missed out the chance to bake myself a birthday cake, not even a roll that I usually do. Lots of reasons make up of this. 

This year BOC London's city giving day fall on 26th Sept, just around my birthday corner. I was given a chance to do some homemade for charity. Therefore the priority will be given to this event instead of myself. 

There are lots of handmade presented at each department's selling booth. I used to be worried about my homemade would fail to attract people and be left unattended in the booth, and it will be pointless to me towards charity. 

Thank god, gratefully thanks!

I feel relief when being told one of the rolls has been sold out for GBP50. I'm proud of myself at that moment. Can't imagine how generous and rich they are. This is the power of charity!

抹茶布丁 (Matcha Pudding)
抹茶粉 15g, 鮮奶 700g, 鮮奶油 300g, 白糖 70g, 吉利丁粉 20g, 冰水 50g;

1. 取一鋼鍋依序加入鮮奶,糖,抹茶粉和吉利丁粉,攪拌均勻。
2. 以小火煮至冒起小泡泡後熄火,加入鮮奶油拌勻。
3. 倒入四方盒中冷藏一晚。


1. 取一鋼鍋依序加入鮮奶,糖,抹茶粉,攪拌均勻。
2. 以小火煮至所有材料溶化後加入吸飽水的吉利丁粉拌勻,再煮至所有材料溶化後熄火,加入鮮奶油攪拌均勻。
3. 倒入四方盒中冷藏一晚。

