08/05/16, It was mother's day. Not going to be celebrated by UK's people but Asian and most of the east countries.
Both my mom and mom-in-law were not with me. They are far at 13 hours flight distance. All my friends did celebrate with their moms where I can be noticed from social media. I wish I could have to bake them a simple cake, it's not a right timing for me.
It was such a complicated emotion mixing day. My friends here do enjoy my baking, it 's nice to know that. Such a happiness, such a baking are even harder to reach my moms, I wondered.
Though I've baked this cake, simply it was mother's day. Positively to get myself prepare for a better baking, looking forward there is a day I can do that for my moms.
Happy mother's day to all mothers!
08/05/16, It was mother's day. Not going to be celebrated by UK's people but Asian and most of the east countries.
Both my mom and mom-in law were not with me. They are far at 13 hours flight distance. All my friends did celebrated with their moms where i can noticed from social media. I wish i could have to bake them a simple cake, it's not a right timing for me.
It was such a complicated emotions mixing day. My friends here do enjoy my baking, it 's nice to know that. Such a happiness, such a baking are even harder to reach my moms, i wondered.
Though, I've baked this cake, simply it was mother's day. Positively to get myself prepare for a better baking, looking forward there is a day i can do that for my moms.
Happy mother's day to all mothers!
低粉 55g,黑芝麻粉 35g,
蛋黃 4個,植物油 50g,水 60g,糖 10g,
蛋白 4個,糖 40g, 檸檬汁 幾滴;
動物性鮮奶油 200g, 花生醬 適量, 糖 適量;(花生醬和糖依個人口味而定,全部材料混合均勻打發即可。)
1. 預熱烤箱 180 度。
2. 分離蛋白和蛋黃。蛋白不能沾到任何油水和蛋黃。
3. 蛋黃和糖攪拌均勻,加入植物油攪拌均勻,再加入水攪拌均勻。
4. 加入黑芝麻粉攪拌均勻。
5. 粉類過篩,加入蛋黃液,攪拌均勻。
6. 蛋白加入幾滴檸檬汁,打至有粗泡,再加入糖打至乾性發泡的程度。
7. 把 1/3 的蛋白加入蛋黃液,以切拌式翻拌均勻。
8. 再把步驟 6 倒入剩餘的蛋白糊中,以切拌式,輕而快的攪拌均勻。動作要快,以免蛋白糊消泡。
9. 攪拌好的麵糊倒入烤盤,把烤盤在桌面敲幾下震出氣泡。
10. 送入烤箱 180 度烤 20 分鐘。
11. 出爐後移到鐵網架上將四周烤紙撕開放涼。後切成3片長方型的蛋糕。
12. 把鮮奶油+花生醬+糖全打發,均勻的塗抹在3片蛋糕上,依自己喜好裝飾。