2016年8月17日 星期三

奶油酥餅 Butter Cookies

@ 17/08/2016@

Fruitful emotional feelings day. Not in the sense of my working nor any baking experience, but getting to know a lot things that is going to happen, the feelings just up and down.

There is a team member will be transferred to other team, there is a team member asked for transfer to another department, there is a team member will be on training on the coming bank holiday, there is a team member will be on examination on the coming bank holiday, there will be extremely staff shortage on the coming bank holiday, there is a intern will last day on this Friday. A lot of not harmful news today, yes its not really harmful but it can accumulate to mean a day feelings.

When talk about leaving, always give me a sick feeling, whoever the person is. I try to console myself, convince myself that the world is round and we'll get in touch one day again.

Running short of time to prepare something special for lovely intern gal, not luxury but this is the simplest i could do it for her, all da best!

@ 28/05/2016 @



我希望他能活得很好,我曾經安慰一個失戀的朋友 - everyone is deserve to have a better future without anyone, make peace of the past so it won't spoils present and future




中粉 150g,玉米粉 30g,蛋黃粉 20g,泡打粉 1茶匙;
奶油 150g,糖粉 50g;

1. 所有粉類過篩。
2. 奶油+糖粉打至顏色變淺,蓬鬆泛白。
3. 篩入粉類,輕柔成麵團。
4. 用保鮮膜包起,滾成長圓柱形,大概直徑3cm。放入冰箱冷凍15分鐘左右,稍微硬身但可以操作的狀態。(若選擇擠花型,就把揉好的麵團裝入擠花袋,擠在烤盤上。)
5. 取出切片,放入已預熱180度的烤箱,以180度烤15分鐘。

