2016年8月7日 星期日

Mexico Buns 墨西哥麵包

Planning always behind changes.
Received a sad news from friends, it could lead to the changes of my planning. I realised that don't too over rely on planning, always observe further. Sometimes changes will hint you on something that you almost forget.
I've forgotten appreciation this 2 years, when i'm luckily enjoy my current life, my comfortable zone, the sense of appreciation is far behind me, i'm the one left it behind.
I assume my plan is perfect, but unthinkable happened. I wanted to fight for something which is my responsible to carry on, i planned it, i'm looking forward it but....it just changed, or, may be, the changes might be voidable, i perhaps.
I realised, always appreciate what you're given the chance to do, it might be tough, it might be last time though.



奶油 60g, 糖 60g, 蛋 1粒, 低粉 90g, 即溶咖啡 1包(加1茶匙熱水攪拌);
1. 奶油室溫軟化,加糖攪拌均勻。
2. 分2-3次加入蛋液,每加一次都要攪拌均勻。
3. 加入過篩的低粉,拌勻即可,無需攪太久。
4. 把餡料裝進擠花袋。
5. 取出第二次發酵完畢的麵包,把餡料順著圈圈,密密滿滿的擠在麵包上,要過面積的一半烤出來的麵包才會有滿滿的上層餡料。
6. 放入已預熱180度的烤箱,烤20分鐘,要烤至上層餡料乾了才會香脆。

