黃糖 20g, 白糖 20g, 奶油 50g(切丁), 中粉 90g, 杏仁碎 20g;
奶油 40g, 奶油乳酪 100g, 原味優格 30g, 糖 100g, 蛋 2個, 鮮奶 50ml, 新鮮藍莓 80-120g;
低粉 200g, 泡打粉 1.5tsp, 蘇打粉 1tsp;
1. 預熱烤箱180度。烤盤鋪上烤紙。
2. 全部奶酥粒的材料搓成細粒,如麵包糠。放入冰箱待備用。
3. 全部粉類過篩。
4. 奶油乳酪,奶油和原味優格用打蛋器打至順滑。加入糖繼續攪拌至順滑。
5. 逐粒把蛋加入,每次都要完全攪拌均勻再加下一粒。
6. 加入鮮奶,攪拌均勻;加入粉類,輕而快的攪拌均勻;加入藍莓,翻拌均勻。
7. 把麵糊倒入烤盤,180度烤40分鐘。
Brown sugar 20g, Granulated sugar 20g, Butter 50g, All purpose flour 90g, Almond(chopped) 20g;
Butter 40g, Cream cheese 50g, Plain yogurt 30g, Granulated sugar 100g, Egg 2pcs,
Milk 50ml, Blueberries 80-120g;
Cake flour 200g, Baking powder 1.5tsp, Baking soda 1tsp;
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C(gas mark 4). Line the loaf pan with baking paper.
2. Make the crumble by mixing all the ingredients together until moistened, and small crumbs form. Put in fridge until ready to be used.
3.Sift the flour with baking soda and baking powder, set aside.
4. Beat the cream cheese, butter, and plain yogurt until smooth.
5. Add the sugar and beat until combined; add in the eggs one by one, each time has to beat till finely combine.
6. Add the milk, stir until combined, add the flour mixture with blueberries, fold to combine.
5. Add the sugar and beat until combined; add in the eggs one by one, each time has to beat till finely combine.
6. Add the milk, stir until combined, add the flour mixture with blueberries, fold to combine.